Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Guidelines in Choosing the Best Dog Shampoo

best dog shampoo
The wide range of dog shampoo selection can be overwhelming for a dog owner who only wants the best dog shampoo for his pet. Products come in a variety of colors, sizes, and shapes that picking the right one can be difficult if the buyer does not have an idea which is actually good to use. It is, therefore, important to have adequate knowledge not only about shampoo types but also about the type of skin and hair that pet dogs have.

The first consideration in selecting the best dog shampoo is the fact that dogs have different skin and hair types from their human masters thus it is not advisable to use a human shampoo on dogs. Aside from choosing dog shampoos formulated with high pH level, there are other guidelines to follow in order not to be confused with the myriad of choices while in the shampoo aisle of a pet supply shop.

How to Choose the Appropriate Best Dog Shampoo
  • Know the particular skin and hair type of the dog breed. Dogs belong to different breeds hence they have different types of skin and fur ranging from oily to dry and course coats and skin. If this information is unknown to a dog owner, it is wise to consult a veterinarian before making a purchase.
  • Consider the dog’s condition such as dry skin or allergic reactions. Dogs suffering from certain skin problems need special dog shampoos as treatment. Dogs that frequently scratch need to be checked by a vet to find out the exact skin condition and the proper treatment to be applied. If it is nothing serious, consider using an aloe-based dog shampoo to sooth the itchy, irritated skin. But, if the dog has a serious skin problem, the vet is going to advise the use of medicated or hypoallergenic shampoos to treat the disease.
  • If the dog has parasitic problems, the best dog shampoo to use must contain pyrethrins, a pair of natural organic compound used to control insects and small parasites. Because of its potent formula, it can be toxic if ingested at high dosage thus extra care must be exercised to avoid getting it into the dog’s mouth and eyes during bath time.
  • Choose products with all natural organic ingredients. The easiest way to determine if a particular dog shampoo contains a wealth of chemicals is if the label has scientific or technical names that are difficult to read or pronounce. It is simpler to choose an organic shampoo that is made with natural ingredients such as oatmeal and aloe, which are good in moisturizing and nurturing dogs’ dry skin. Shampoos with anti-microbial agent are best for dogs with oily hair while medicated shampoos are good treatments for dog allergies and other skin problems.
  • Consider the lifestyle and the kind of treatment the dog receives from the owner. If the dog frequently stays indoors, there is no need to bathe it as often as needed for a dog that always runs or plays outside. If the dog is always cuddled or held, choose a gentle formula with a nice scent made from natural ingredients. However, avoid shampoos that have fruity scents because they are not the perfect combination for dog’s smell.
Finding the right shampoo for dogs is an effective way of putting an end to their skin problem ordeals. During bath time, be careful not to get the liquid into their eyes and mouth for this can be irritating and become a cruel experience for dogs. Be sure to rinse off everything completely because even if a dog owner is using the best dog shampoo for his pet, any residue can cause skin problems that can torment man’s canine companion.

Dousing the Balding Problem with Dog Shampoo for Hair Loss

dog shampoo for hair loss
Hair loss in dogs is a widespread problem that veterinarians and dog owners hate to deal with. It is characterized by the thinning of hair or by the visible presence of bald patches called alopecia, similar to what humans experience during their old age. When such occurrence happens to your dog, it is best to consult a veterinarian who is most likely to prescribe the use of a dog shampoo for hair loss.

Causes of Hair Loss in Dogs
There are several attributing factors why dogs lose their hair in some parts of their body. While it can be caused by a natural cycle involving three phases of hair growth, the reasons can also be due to some diseases afflicting the canine.

The first phase of the natural cycle is called anagen, the phase of active hair growth. It is followed by the catagen phase that signals the start of the next phase called telogen or the resting phase. Another anagen phase occurs where new hair grows until they shed off when the final telogen phase sets in. Veterinarians oftentimes prescribe dog shampoo for hair loss to promote hair growth during these natural phases.

A dog may prematurely experience hair loss due to the following hormonal diseases:

Hyperadrenocotism – Also referred as Cushing's disease, it is a condition prevalent among dogs caused by chronic overproduction of glucocorticoid in the body. The pituitary gland of normal dogs secretes hormones to stimulate the adrenal gland to produce the glucocorticoid hormones to help the functioning of the body systems. When too much glucocorticoid is produced, Cushing's disease develops. The disease is also termed as Cortisone Excess, called as such to refer to the excessive steroids in a dog's body

Hypoadrenocorticism – This disease is also known as the Addison's disease resulting from the reduction in the secretion of corticosteroid from the adrenal gland. While it may not be common as the Cushing's disease, it can still affect the dog population and is comparatively easier to treat.

Hypothyroidism – A common disease among dogs, it is a condition that occurs when insufficient thyroid hormones are produced. A dog is suspected to have the disease if it is suffering from hair loss particularly at the neck to the chin, body sides, backs of thighs and tail part.

Hyperestrogenism – It is a common affliction among male and female dogs occurring when there is over supply of estrogen and is usually accompanied by excessive hair loss in the genital areas. Apart from sterilizing the dog, the best treatment is to use medicated dog shampoo for hair loss.

Hypoestrogenism – A condition common for castrated female dogs caused by the lack of estrogen. It is characterized by the scarce presence of hair and the thinning layer over the vulva. When all the hair sheds off, the skin becomes smooth and soft.

Treatment for Hair Loss in Dogs
It is best to consult a certified veterinarian when hair loss occurs in the dog, as this can indicate that the canine is suffering from a certain disease. After subjecting the animal in a series of tests, treatment can be done depending on the diagnosis. If the dog is merely undergoing the normal hair cycle, there is no need for any treatment except to wait for the hair to grow back. The animal expert may advise some vitamins and nutrients to promote faster hair growth. For hormonal diseases and other causes of hair loss such as parasite and fungal infections, growth hormones can be given to stimulate the hair to grow back.

While veterinarians can be more scientific in treating hair loss in dogs, pet owners tend to rely on using dog shampoo for hair loss to save their canine companions from being hairless. Aside from the fact that it is the most available and inexpensive way to remedy the problem, it is also the easiest method to solve the balding issue.

Green Pet Grooming with All Natural Dog Shampoo

natural dog shampoo
Commercial dog shampoos commonly found in pet shops and supermarkets look nice, but when you examine these shampoos closely, traces of harmful chemicals can be detected. In order to score big sales, dog shampoos are sometimes presented with deceiving labels. In reality, though, they have substances that can cause itching, flakiness, and other skin problems when used without prior consultation with dog groomers. To ensure that only safe products are being used, it is best to apply all natural dog shampoo every time the dog is given a bath.

Dogs have different pH balance than humans. A normal human pH level can range between 4.4 to 6.5 while for dogs, it can be between 6 and 8.5. Using low pH soap can result to a dog’s skin irritation; thus, it is important to find brands with higher pH level. Some dog owners are careful not to choose products that can cause damaging effects on the different parts of the dog. Others even prefer to make their own all-natural dog shampoo just to be doubly sure that their pets are groomed using homemade shampoos with the right pH level. Dog owners who apply conscientious grooming practices for their pets know the advantages in using dog shampoos with natural ingredients.

Organic Ingredients in All Natural Dog Shampoo
Pet owners who buy grooming supplies in regular supermarkets or pet shop have observed the tendency of their dogs to scratch after a bath. This is proven to be caused by using ordinary shampoos that contain harmful chemicals. The most common sign of irritation is the extreme dryness of skin resulting to frequent scratching of the dog leading to skin infection and harming their coat. Dogs oftentimes develop rashes until their hair sheds and bald patches appear on the skin. Dog owners turn to veterinarians for the treatment of such disease, but regardless of any medicine prescribed, the animal only continues to scratch as a sign that it is suffering from an allergic reaction from the chemicals contained in the dog shampoo.

In contrast to shampoos with harmful chemicals, organic shampoos have been proven completely safe for dog’s use. They have no synthetic pesticides or carcinogenic content that are normally used to make commercial fertilizers. Applying organic shampoos greatly minimizes the possibility of allergic occurrence linked to the mentioned chemicals.

Safe for the Dogs, Human, and the Environment
While chemical elements contained in ordinary dog shampoos can be harmful to the animals, the same danger is posed to human as well. The seriousness of this reality has been established from the results of recent studies associating pyrenthrins with autism. Pyrenthrins is a common substance contained in most dog shampoos.

Another point of concern is the tendency of the human skin to be less resistant than the skin of a dog. If dog shampoos with irritant composition are used, there is a greater risk for dog owners to be exposed to the harmful chemicals. To protect oneself, it is advisable to use all natural organic dog shampoo to eliminate the potential risk.

Selecting the best shampoo for dogs can be logically compared to the principle in choosing a shampoo for human. Man always wants to buy a shampoo that can clean, protect and nourish his hair. Dog owners must also consider these criteria when choosing something to wash their pet’s hair. It must be remembered that not every shampoo in the grocery shelf can be good to use for your dog. However, opting to use all natural dog shampoo is always a good decision that is beneficial not only to yourself but to the dog and the environment as well.

Oatmeal Dog Shampoo for Curing Dandruff Problems in Dogs

oatmeal dog shampoo
The most common problem experienced by dog owners is the presence of dandruff in their pets. This irritating skin problem torments not only the dogs but the owners as well. Dandruff problem is uncomfortably itchy that scratching can make dandruff flakes fall into the dogs' eyes and much to the dismay of owners, in places where dogs usually stay such as carpet, sofa, and bed. This problem highlights the importance of proper grooming practices and the best remedy that is often applied is by using oatmeal dog shampoo during dogs' bath time.

Apart from being a healthy food, oatmeal has many other uses. It is used as an important ingredient for dog shampoos to treat dry skin, eliminate parasitic insects that pester dogs and soothe insect bites. Oatmeal dog shampoo are also good grooming agents for cleaning and deodorizing man's best friend.

The Benefits of Using Oatmeal Dog Shampoo
Oatmeal is normally regarded as a natural and healthy breakfast cereal. Unknown to many people, one particular oatmeal type called colloidal oatmeal is effective to use for skin care. This type has been ground into fine powder with natural chemicals such as avenanthramides and phenols, which are good treatments for skin ailments. Early civilizations had also benefited from using oatmeal in beautifying their skin.

Today, oatmeal is an important ingredient in many skin and beauty products including shampoos for human and dog's hair. The primary benefit it can provide for dog's skin is the restoration of pH balance and the prevention of fungal growth including dandruff infection. A dog owner may resort to two ways in order to alleviate the condition of his pet dog suffering from a dandruff problem. First, the dog needs to be given a good oil massage to moisturize its skin. This can be done by rubbing oil and gently massaging the dog's body until the oil is completely absorbed by the skin. Another way is to use a natural dog shampoo that contains oatmeal, which is effective in retaining skin moisture.

Oatmeal dog shampoo are ideal to use as often as desired every time a dog is given a bath. This is completely not possible with other dog shampoos that have synthetic substances or harmful chemicals because they can dry the animal's natural skin oils. In contrast, oatmeal shampoos are effective in absorbing natural oils in the skin. Rubbing the mixture into the dog's coat on a regular basis is enough to control the spread or worsening of the dandruff problem. Using natural shampoo made from oatmeal is also effective in minimizing dryness of the skin. Although veterinarians may prescribe antibiotics, the reduction of the skin problems is greatly attributed to the use of oatmeal shampoo. Regular application can also cause the thick growth of strong and shiny fur.

The Qualities of a Good Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs
Choosing the best oatmeal shampoo that is good to use for dogs can be tricky. The need to read the product label carefully is important to find out the composition of ingredients that are used in making the product. Dog owners must look for ingredients that are effective for skin care such as vitamin E, aloe, or tea tree oil. Avoid products with low or unknown ingredients. If dog owners are confused which one to choose, simply pick products labeled as hypoallergenic or those meant for dogs with sensitive skin.

Dandruff is considered one of the serious skin ailments that can torment dogs endlessly. It is a sign to dog owners that their pets are not getting nutritious diet or may be lacking in essential vitamins. While the problem can be dealt by providing adequate food requirements, dandruff can be controlled by using oatmeal dog shampoo that is proven effective in treating various skin disorders in dogs. When applied regularly, the benefits can be enjoyed by both the dog owners and their pets while they relish each other's company as best friends.

Effective Inexpensive Dog Shampoo Substitute

dog shampoo substitute
Shampooing is part of the grooming process for a pet dog. However, commercial dog shampoos offer more disadvantages rather than the expected benefits for both owners and their pets. Apart from being costly, these products may contain preservatives and other harsh chemicals that can cause irritation or allergic reactions in a dog. In most cases, it is better to use a dog shampoo substitute that can be found at home or can be easily prepared out of natural and affordable ingredients.

No one wants to hug a dog that smells bad especially if the pet has just been given a bath. Another bath is simply not advisable because dogs are not supposed to be bathed frequently to avoid dry skin that can cause itchiness and other skin problems. However, a good dog shampoo substitute can provide a lasting fresh smell in a dog pet until its next bath time.

Dry Shampoo Substitutes
Generally, dogs hate to get wet that is why they wiggle, run or hide to avoid water during their bath time. Using dry shampoo does not only give an end to the harrowing experience of giving bath to dogs, but it is a good substitute to clean and freshen pets in between their regular bath schedule. Although it is proven effective, dry shampoo is not to be considered as a replacement for a wet shampoo, which is actually needed by dogs to completely clean them.

A simple but good substitute for dog shampoo is baking soda. This common household ingredient is inexpensive yet effective in making the dog look and smelling fresh. Sprinkle a generous amount of the powder all throughout the back of the dog and use a brush to spread the baking powder all over the dog’s body while at the same removing all the excess away. In a matter of minutes, the dog looks and smells good.

Homemade Dog Shampoo
Most often, commercial dog shampoos are the underlying cause of skin problems in dogs. This can be remedied by concocting homemade dog shampoo using ordinary ingredients. A simple recipe consists of combining eight ounces each of moisturizing antibacterial liquid dish soap, of plain water, cider vinegar, and two ounces of glycerin. By mixing all these ingredients, a dog owner can have a cheaper alternative shampoo to clean and deodorize his canine best friend.

Wet Wipes
Wet wipes are not only meant for babies, but can also be a practical and handy cleaning substitute for giving dogs a sponge bath. Always keep a good stock of baby wipes to keep dogs clean and smelling good while waiting for the next bath to come. To make wet wipes durable for cleaning dogs, use two or three sheets to have a thick layer of disposable dog shampoo substitute.

Deodorant for Dogs
Doggy deodorants are also good substitutes for dog shampoos. Although they are not meant to clean the body, doggy deodorants are intended to mask the stink. Better quality deodorants can even neutralize the stench thus making dogs smell fresh until they have their next bath.

Rolled Oats Dry Shampoo
If baking soda is not available, ground rolled oats can be used as shampoo substitute for dogs. The fine powder from ground oats is effective in absorbing all the dirt, oil and unpleasant odor in dogs. In fact, more dog owners prefer to use this powdered cereal grain over baking soda because dogs remain smelling fresh for several weeks.

Nothing can be more frustrating for a dog owner than to smell his pet reeking with bad odor after a recent bath. Knowing that it is not advisable for dogs to have frequent baths, human masters resort to using a dog shampoo substitute that is considered better alternative to commercial dog shampoos. Try using one of these inexpensive substitutes, which spare the dogs from unscheduled baths that they really do not need.

Recipes for All Natural Homemade Dog Shampoo

homemade dog shampoo
Taking care of a pet dog involves grooming which is as important as providing nutritious food and vaccination to it. Grooming can be done at home or the pet may be regularly brought to a grooming shop, for a fee. If you are a dog owner who prefers to groom your own pet, various grooming supplies can be purchased at local pet supply stores or supermarkets. If you are the meticulous type, you can always make your own homemade dog shampoo with all natural ingredients to make sure that your dog gets the best pampering from a product you lovingly made.

Most often, dogs acquire some irritating skin problems from commercial pet shampoos that contain synthetic substances and other harmful chemicals. Continuous use of these products can lead to hair shedding due to their harsh ingredient content. If dog owners can make their own homemade dog shampoo, there is guarantee that their pets are safer from products that can only cause skin ailments. Although the process is quite time consuming, nothing beats the assurance that all natural shampoo and conditioner made at home can prevent even the worse canine skin afflictions. Dog owners can choose from a variety of recipes that use ingredients commonly found at home or in supermarkets.

All Natural Shampoo for Regular Bath Time
Ingredients: One cup of apple cider vinegar or the ordinary kitchen white vinegar, one cup antibacterial liquid dish soap, 1/3 cup glycerin and one quart plain water.

Simply mix well all the ingredients in a large container. This homemade dog shampoo can be used every time the dog is given a bath. Be careful to avoid the eyes and ears of the dog, as the mixture can be irritating on these parts. Rinse all residues completely.

Shampoo for Dog Parasites
Ingredients: Two tablespoons each of eucalyptus, white cedar and peppermint oil, 1/4 cup each of white vinegar and citronella oil, and two cups of warm water.

Pour the warm water in a large bowl then add the essential oils. After mixing well, pour in the vinegar and thoroughly stir the mixture. This homemade shampoo is an effective formula to exterminate flea, ticks, and other parasitic insects that plague the dog. Make sure to rinse well.

Shampoo with Oatmeal
The recipe needs 1 cup of coarsely blended oatmeal and 2 cups of hot water. To prepare the mixture, boil water in a saucepan then stir in the oatmeal until a starchy texture is attained. Use an old sock to hold the mixture. During the dog's bath time, rub the sock containing the mixture throughout the dog's body making sure that even hidden parts are completely rubbed. Leave the blended ingredients on the dog's skin for about five minutes then rinse off completely. A homemade conditioner can be applied, if available.

Homemade Dog Conditioners
Just like human hair, dog's hair also needs conditioner after a shampoo treatment to give a healthy shine and soft texture to the fur. Dog owners can use the following recipes for homemade conditioners to complete the grooming process for their dogs.

Natural Conditioner with Rosemary Seeds 
The ingredients needed are two tablespoons of rosemary seeds and two cups of boiling water. After boiling the water, add in the rosemary seeds and let boil for another two minutes. Allow cooling time before straining out the rosemary seeds. This natural conditioner is to be used on the dog after the final rinsing when all residues of the shampoos have been completely removed. Rub the blend then use a towel to dry it. No further rinsing is required.

Egg Conditioner
In a small bowl, add two large egg yolks and two tablespoons of warm water. Use a whisk to blend the ingredients until it becomes a creamy foam. Add the egg whites and repeat the whisking process. This egg conditioner is to be poured over the dog's coat after the final rinse. Leave on the dog's skin for about three minutes before rinsing well with warm water.

A dog's bath time must be a pleasant bonding experience for the human master and his pet. With the simple and economical recipes for homemade dog shampoo and conditioner, dog owners have the assurance that no harmful ingredients get in contact with the dog skin thus greatly reducing the occurrence of skin problems.

Scratching Canine Itchiness with Dog Shampoo for Itchy Skin

dog shampoo for itchy skin
Itchy skin in dogs is a tormenting experience for both the animals and their owners. Although there are various treatments to cure the condition, it can also be difficult to determine which one to use unless the underlying root is known. Using a dog shampoo for itchy skin is usually the initial recourse of pet owners until they can find the time to consult with a veterinarian.

Finding the Cause of Itchy Skin in Dogs

The first step of dog owners, who think better, is to have the dog examined by a qualified veterinarian immediately to find out the causes of the itching condition. Normally, the ailment is attributed to the presence of tiny parasites such as fleas, lice, or mites. Diagnostic tests performed on the dog may reveal that the animal is experiencing allergic reactions with skin itching as the side effect. While all these are being done, the veterinarian may advise bathing the dog with dog shampoo for itchy skin to provide temporary relief until a proper medication is prescribed. The tests may further uncover the cause of the dog’s allergy. Removing the allergen away from where the dog usually stays can greatly reduce the skin problem. If the dog is allergic to certain foods, look for some alternative food without depriving the dog with important nutrients.

Using the Appropriate Dog Shampoo

Many times, dogs suffer from itchy skin due to the unusual practice of their owners to use human shampoo during their pets’ bath time. Dogs have different pH level than human thus using a shampoo formulated for human hair is harmful on the animal skin and can oftentimes lead to allergies. When an itchy skin condition develops, the simplest cure is by a shampoo therapy using special shampoo with colloidal oatmeal. This formulation helps soothe and moisturize the dog’s skin resulting to a revitalize coat and eventually eliminates dry skin that causes the itching disorder. This can be used as often as desired without damaging the dog’s skin. Other dog shampoos that are best to use as itching treatment are those oatmeal-based shampoo containing topical anesthetics or corticosteroids meant to provide relief to the dog’s ordeal.

When dogs are found to be suffering from skin allergies, dog owners must exercise caution in using inappropriate dog shampoos. Generally, skin allergies that afflict dogs are obtained from synthetic substances such as scents or dyes found in regular soaps and shampoos used by their owners on their pets. Continuous application of such products can only exacerbate the condition that can possibly lead to worst other than skin problems in dogs and may require more complicated and expensive treatment process.

Quality dog shampoo for itchy skin works best when the right water temperature is applied. Dog owners tend to use water that is too warm thinking it is the right mixture to reduce the itchy condition. However, it only adds up to aggravating the ailment and makes the dog owner conclude that the shampoo is ineffective. It is more appropriate to use cool to lukewarm water to sooth the skin and then completely rinse off all residues to avoid skin irritation in the dog.

Itchy skin in dogs can be easily treated once the underlying causes are discovered. The condition can greatly improve by using a shampoo with hydrocortisone and oat protein. However, in severe cases, the shampoo itself may aggravate the situation thus it is important to choose the most appropriate dog shampoo for itchy skin that can easily provide relief to canine pets suffering from such condition. The animal can feel immediate results after a series of application provided the dog owner strictly abide by the instructions of the veterinarian and the specific directions written on the product label.