Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Guidelines in Choosing the Best Dog Shampoo

best dog shampoo
The wide range of dog shampoo selection can be overwhelming for a dog owner who only wants the best dog shampoo for his pet. Products come in a variety of colors, sizes, and shapes that picking the right one can be difficult if the buyer does not have an idea which is actually good to use. It is, therefore, important to have adequate knowledge not only about shampoo types but also about the type of skin and hair that pet dogs have.

The first consideration in selecting the best dog shampoo is the fact that dogs have different skin and hair types from their human masters thus it is not advisable to use a human shampoo on dogs. Aside from choosing dog shampoos formulated with high pH level, there are other guidelines to follow in order not to be confused with the myriad of choices while in the shampoo aisle of a pet supply shop.

How to Choose the Appropriate Best Dog Shampoo
  • Know the particular skin and hair type of the dog breed. Dogs belong to different breeds hence they have different types of skin and fur ranging from oily to dry and course coats and skin. If this information is unknown to a dog owner, it is wise to consult a veterinarian before making a purchase.
  • Consider the dog’s condition such as dry skin or allergic reactions. Dogs suffering from certain skin problems need special dog shampoos as treatment. Dogs that frequently scratch need to be checked by a vet to find out the exact skin condition and the proper treatment to be applied. If it is nothing serious, consider using an aloe-based dog shampoo to sooth the itchy, irritated skin. But, if the dog has a serious skin problem, the vet is going to advise the use of medicated or hypoallergenic shampoos to treat the disease.
  • If the dog has parasitic problems, the best dog shampoo to use must contain pyrethrins, a pair of natural organic compound used to control insects and small parasites. Because of its potent formula, it can be toxic if ingested at high dosage thus extra care must be exercised to avoid getting it into the dog’s mouth and eyes during bath time.
  • Choose products with all natural organic ingredients. The easiest way to determine if a particular dog shampoo contains a wealth of chemicals is if the label has scientific or technical names that are difficult to read or pronounce. It is simpler to choose an organic shampoo that is made with natural ingredients such as oatmeal and aloe, which are good in moisturizing and nurturing dogs’ dry skin. Shampoos with anti-microbial agent are best for dogs with oily hair while medicated shampoos are good treatments for dog allergies and other skin problems.
  • Consider the lifestyle and the kind of treatment the dog receives from the owner. If the dog frequently stays indoors, there is no need to bathe it as often as needed for a dog that always runs or plays outside. If the dog is always cuddled or held, choose a gentle formula with a nice scent made from natural ingredients. However, avoid shampoos that have fruity scents because they are not the perfect combination for dog’s smell.
Finding the right shampoo for dogs is an effective way of putting an end to their skin problem ordeals. During bath time, be careful not to get the liquid into their eyes and mouth for this can be irritating and become a cruel experience for dogs. Be sure to rinse off everything completely because even if a dog owner is using the best dog shampoo for his pet, any residue can cause skin problems that can torment man’s canine companion.

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